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You Think That The Earth Is a Dead Thing

Original Title: Tu crois que la Terre est chose morte
Director: Florence Lazar
France, 70 minutes, 2019, documentary

The film looks at the “global ecological crisis” from the perspective of the island of Martinique. In reflecting on ecology, the film not only raises issues concerning nature and damaged ecosystems, but, moreover, focuses on spaces of resistance to the crisis in which women and men acknowledge and act from the historical perspective of colonialism, where ecological struggle and the colonial past are intrinsically linked.

Trigger warning: description of death
Film screening dates: 23.11.2024 — 8.12.2024
Film screening dates: 23.11.2024 — 8.12.2024
Великий план, чорно-білий портрет. На тлі світлої стіни — жінка з недовгим кучерявим волоссям пильно дивиться з-під лоба в кадр і стримано всміхається.
Florence Lazar is a French filmmaker and visual artist. For the past 20 years, her videos, photographs, and art installations have been shown in museums and contemporary art centers in France and abroad. In 2019, the Jeu de Paume museum devoted a solo exhibition to her. She has been teaching at the college of art and design of Grenoble-Valence since 2005.

Her work focuses on revealing the emergence of a word, the gestures of an individual in a particular geographical and social context. Historical inquiry and historical transmission are the principal vectors of her work. Her documentary films construct narratives in which subjective narratives unfold in the face of the authority of history.