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Directors: Teta Tsybulnyk, Elias Parvulesco, Svitlana Pototska
Ukraine, 9 minutes, 2019, experimental

Zamglai nature reserve is one of the largest bog systems in Ukraine. Its name probably derives from the Old Kurdish word ‘zong’ meaning bog. We look at the bog phenomenon from different perspectives: as a locus of fears in the folklore of agricultural societies; as an exploited landscape in the industrial age; as a complex system of ties between species within the posthumanist paradigm; as a natural carbon sink reducing the greenhouse effect and countering climate change.

Trigger warning: description of death
Film screening dates: 23.11.2024 — 8.12.2024
Film screening dates: 23.11.2024 — 8.12.2024
Великий план, портрет. На тлі білої цегляної стіни жінка з довгим каштановим волоссям, що злегка розвівається від вітру, привітно дивиться карими очима в кадр і всміхається. З-під чорного светра визирає комірець синьої сорочки.
Teta Tsybulnyk born in 1987 in Kyiv, Ukraine. Studied sociology and social anthropology at Central European University (Budapest). Worked as a program coordinator at the International Festival of Film and Urbanism “86”. Co-founder of the film and art union ‘ruїns collective’, producer of independent films.

Filmography: dendro dreams (2018), zong (2020)
Великий план, портрет. На сірому тлі чоловік у чорній футболці, з високим чолом, темним волоссям і вусами привітно дивиться карими очима в кадр.
Elias Parvulesco born in Kyiv Region in 1985. Studied engineering, contemporary art and film studies. Worked as journalist, editor, film researcher. Co-founder of the film union ‘ruїns collective’. Took part in Ukrainian and international film festivals and art exhibitions.

Selected filmography: The Limits of Europe (2014), The Pink Map (2016), dendro dreams (2018), Lviv Intervision (2018), zong (2020)
Великий план, портрет. На сірому тлі жінка зі світлим каре дивиться в кадр зеленкуватими очима й широко всміхається. На ній синя сорочка з червоними квітами, кольорове намисто.
Svitlana Pototska born in Chernihiv in 1976. Doctor of Biological Sciences, Assistant professor of Ecology and Nature Conservation department of Т.G. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Collegium». Head of Ukraine Nature Conservation Society in Chernihiv Region. Engaged in ecological education and nature conservation activities.